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Missions We Support
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Mark T. Barclay is known as a Preacher of Righteousness. He is a proven, precise leader among ministers worldwide. God has anointed him with a severely accurate prophetic ministry.
For over 40 years, Mark T. Barclay has traveled the world over, preaching the uncompromised Word of God and preparing God’s people for His coming.
Author of many books, curricula, syllabi, and periodicals, he has become known as a prolific contemporary writer, literally shaping the futures of many people and demanding growth of a higher caliber throughout the body of Christ.
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Ray Bensch founded Many Waters International Ministries in September of 2004 after 19 years of discipleship, training and waiting on God. Ray was born again in the summer of 1985, a few months later the Lord Jesus visited Ray during an afternoon Bible study and spoke to his heart saying “I want you to teach”. From that day until September of 2004 he worked and waited on the Lord in order to prepare himself as a gospel minister.
Ray is known for his heart to serve in the ministry of helps and worked on the staff of his Pastor, Dr. Mark Barclay for over 13 years. He is born again, Spirit filled and ready to be used “in season and out” in order to teach believers how to get involved in what the Lord is doing today.
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James Rackley is the founder and president of James Rackley Ministries in the United States and Canada. He is also the founder and president of THE OASIS CENTER in Bacalar, Mexico. THE OASIS CENTER is a training center for Mayan Indian pastors and children’s workers of the jungle area of southern Mexico.
James and Beverly Rackley are dedicated to breaking the cycle of victimization and vast darkness in the lives of the Mayan Indian children in Southern Mexico. This happens when the children experience the love of God. There is no way to predict what great things a child might accomplish for the Lord, or how God will use a little child in his or her own village to reach others! CHILDREN . . . the world’s greatest natural resource!
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The teaching ministry of Rick and Denise Renner blankets English and Russian-speaking nations with the message of salvation and redemption through Jesus Christ. Rick’s teaching, heralded for solid exposition of the Scriptures and illuminating insights drawn from his extensive study of the Greek language, is widely presented via television, the printed page, the Internet, social media, electronic material, and public meetings.
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Jimmy Squires is known as a seasoned missionary to the Nations. He is a proven, loyal Christian of over 35 years. God has placed an Apostolic anointing upon his life to raise up ministers for the work of the Lord. He is the founding pastor of Abundant Life Church, a strong, mission-minded church in Radcliff, Kentucky. For over 28 years, this ministry has reached thousands of people through home and foreign missions and remains the headquarters for his world outreach ministry.
Jimmy Squires has impacted thousands of lives through his testimony, Godly wisdom, and uncompromising preaching of the Word of God and will hold nothing back for the cause of Christ.
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Ken and Trudi Blount speak from years of hands-on experience and extensive research. Their creative, humorous, and thought-provoking style of ministry will leave your church charged to move forward into God’s best.
Marriage is an institution that should not be taken lightly, yet, it is a proven fact that Christian marriages are struggling. Recent surveys tell us that Christian couples have the same likelihood of divorce (35%) as other people.
We, at KBM, want to change that. With our Holy Matrimony Marriage Events, we strive to do just that. In these local-church-hosted seminars, Ken and Trudi teach husbands and wives their specific, God-ordained roles in marriage so that they can live the way God wants them to: “happily ever after.”
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Since getting delivered from the NFL, having 6 years with the Oilers and 4 years with the Rams, (most call it retirement) in 1985, the Mike Barber Ministries has been a 501c3 tax exempt ministry. I can truly say with all my heart that the NFL’s best can’t touch the joy and honor that I live in today. The last 30 years of walking into the worst of the worst to share the love of Christ has fulfilled me more than anything else.
Over the last 30 plus years, our ministry has traveled into every state and a few different countries. Today, our ministry still travels all over the country. I have been honored to have my son, Brandon Barber, work beside me for the last 10 plus years. Brandon also Pastors Elevate Church close to downtown Houston.
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In January 1983, determined to establish a program in which lives would truly be transformed, Nancy moved to Monroe, Louisiana to start Mercy Ministries of America (now Mercy Multiplied). She knew that there were three principles to which she must always remain faithful: (1) accept girls free of charge, (2) always give at least ten percent of all donations to other organizations and ministries, and (3) do not take any state or federal funding or any money that interferes with the freedom to share Christ.
Several years and many changed lives later, Mercy has established locations in Monroe, Louisiana; Nashville, Tennessee; St. Louis, Missouri; and Sacramento, California. The organization has grown beyond the borders of the United States, including locations in the United Kingdom, Canada, and New Zealand. In addition, plans are underway for more sites in America as well as internationally.
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Evangelist Billy Graham took Christ literally when He said in Mark 16:15, “Go ye into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature.”
Mr. Graham has preached the Gospel to more people in live audiences than anyone else in history—nearly 215 million people in more than 185 countries and territories—through various meetings, including Mission World and Global Mission. Hundreds of millions more have been reached through television, video, film, and webcasts.
Since the 1949 Los Angeles Crusade vaulted Mr. Graham into the public eye, he has led hundreds of thousands of individuals to make personal decisions to live for Christ, which is the main thrust of his ministry.