PROCLAIM the Good News of salvation through the Lord Jesus Christ through every means available to every ear that will hear.
ENCOURAGE the body of Christ to live in peace and to overcome all the problems of this world by faith in the Word of God.
BUILD faith in believers through teaching and preaching of the Word of God by every form of communication.
PROMOTE love, harmony and unity of the Spirit through signs, wonders, miracles and demonstrations of the Holy Spirit within the body of Christ.
GIVE of our time, talents and finances to reach lost and hurting people furthering the cause of Jesus Christ and His Kingdom throughout the world.
EQUIP believers to stand on the Word of God for their every need of healing, deliverance, financial prosperity and peace. Receiving all good things provided by God the Father.
See the Harvest
SEE THE HARVEST of souls, finances and every promised blessing in order that Jesus might be glorified through Resurrection Ministries and Resurrection Life Church.
To present the Good News of salvation through belief in Jesus Christ as savior, healer and provider; building faith in people by the Word of God to live as a world overcomer. To harvest souls and all of God’s promised blessings.